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Flower Bulbs & Perennials at Wholesale Prices
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Carefree hostas are by far one of the most popular shade perennials on the market. KVB offers varieties in several shades of green foliage and with colorful accents on the leaves, so you can find the perfect fit for your garden or landscape.

Hosta Bulbs for Sale from K. van Bourgondien

With their array of foliage colors and sizes, hostas are a favorite perennial for shaded areas. They can be used as accent plants, ground covers and in container plantings. Mass plantings of hostas are an economical way to cover large areas in the landscape. In addition to providing eye-catching foliage, their flowers that open above the foliage are known to attract pollinators in the summertime. At K. van Bourgondien, we have a long tradition of selecting the finest hosta varieties--and offer one of the best collections of hosta bulbs for sale online.

Choosing the Right Hosta Plant

When selecting the right hostas for sale for your garden, first consider their growing conditions. Hosta plants grow in zones 3-9 and tolerate a range of soil conditions, including acidic, clay, loamy and sandy, as long as it is moisture-retentive and well-drained. Hostas are shade plants and grow best where they receive indirect sunlight or dappled sunlight. Most hostas perform best when they receive morning light and afternoon shade. Hostas are available in a wide range of sizes. Some grow up to 40 inches tall and are excellent for covering large areas, while others only grow 6 inches tall and are suitable for containers, edging or ground cover. Finally consider their foliage color. You can find hostas in many variations of green, from blue-green to lime-green, variegated or in white or yellow hues.

Getting the Most out of Your Purchase

Not only are hostas showy, they're also easy-to-grow perennials. Just follow these tips.

When to Plant Hosta Bulbs?

Hosta bareroots can be planted in the spring or fall.

How to Plant Hosta Bulbs?

Plant hostas in moisture-retentive, humus-rich soil. Most soil can be improved by mixing compost into it before planting. Dig a hole that will accommodate the plant's roots. Place the plant in the hole and cover with soil so the crown is at the same level it was in the nursery. Water thoroughly.

How to Grow Hosta?

During the growing season, hostas require about 1 inch of rainfall weekly. Mulching around the hosta plants can control weeds and retain moisture in the soil. Depending on the soil conditions, hostas can benefit from an all-natural, slow-release fertilizer like Van Bourgondien 100% Natural Perennial Food. After hostas flower in the summer, deadhead the flowers to keep them from setting seed, which takes away energy from leaf and root production.

When to Transplant Hosta?

Hostas can be divided and transplanted in the spring, after the growing tips start to emerge. They can also be divided later in the growing season but may take more time to become established.

What Eats Hosta Leaves?

Slugs and deer will eat hosta leaves. Some tips for controlling slugs include:
  • Select slug-resistant hosta varieties (these usually have thicker, more textured leaves)
  • Use traps and lures
  • Handpick slugs off the plants

  • Deer also like to nibble on hosta leaves. Fencing and deer-deterrent spays may work on keeping deer from eating hostas.

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